Reto Estratégico: Manejo del Estancamiento de la Carrera Gerencial

During 2017 Continuity Central published more than 500 business continuity, enterprise risk management, and resilience articles; but which were the most popular? Here are the top ten…
1) The Amazon Web Services outage: business continuity implications and actions
Following the recent long-running outage at Amazon Web Services Continuity Central conducted a reader-survey to ascertain the level of impact and whether it will result in business continuity professionals reviewing their business continuity plans. The survey also sought to capture the lessons that can be learned from the outage. This article provides a summary of the results…
2) Enterprise risk management and business continuity
Alberto G. Alexander, Ph.D, MBCI, looks at enterprise risk management, its relationship to business continuity management, and how organizations can integrate the two disciplines.
3) Are business continuity and information security converging?
Is the increasing organizational focus on information security having an effect on the traditional demarcation lines between business continuity and information security management (ISM)? Continuity Central recently conducted an online survey to find out.
4) Planning for social media crises
Social media crises can occur for many reasons due to postings about organizations amplifying out of control and threatening reputation damage and loss of customers. Garry Poole, FBCI, provides some advice on how to prepare for such incidents.
5) Four steps to integrate risk management into strategic planning
Alexei Sidorenko, CRMP, details four related steps that organizations can take to help them assess management strategies and then take actions to manage the associated risks.
6) Data protection: why businesses should be motivated to make a security change
It’s fair to say that 2016 wasn’t a good year for data protection, with numerous high-profile breaches hitting the headlines. Unless businesses make a determined effort to improve, 2017 will be no different.
7) To BIA or not to BIA? Final survey results
One of the differentiators of the new approach to business continuity advocated by Adaptive BC is the removal of the business impact analysis and risk assessment from the business continuity process. Continuity Central conducted a survey to assess whether this is a realistic proposal.
8) Post truth, alternative facts, fake news: implications for businesses
Geary Sikich looks at the rise of post truth, alternative facts and fake news; considers the impact on organizations; and looks at how business continuity planners can rise to meet the challenge.
9) BCI updates Business Continuity Glossary
For many years the Business Continuity Institute has maintained a dictionary of business continuity terms. This has now been revised by merging it with DRJ’s Business Continuity Glossary and the glossary from the BCI’s Good Practice Guidelines.
10) The what, how and why of the cyber security threat landscape
David Emm, principal security researcher at Kaspersky Lab, describes the cyber security threats that are emerging and why these trends are occurring.
A big thank you to everyone who has contributed during 2017. If you would like to make it your New Year’s Resolution to share your knowledge and experience with the wider profession – drop us a line at [email protected]